Well, it's finally happened. I've moved into my own apartment! Woo!! It's pretty freaking cool, I tell you what. It took about 4 days to get everything washed, sorted, packed, moved, unpacked, and partly put away. UGH.... One never does realize just how much crap can accumulate in a room after living in it for 12 years. Especially if you're a horrible pack-rat like me. =P I spent the entire weekend just doing my freaking laundry. That certainly was fun, considering our dryer sucks at doing it's job and I made the mistake of over-loading it in my haste to get the clothes done. So, it didn't work out well. But... yeah... I'm babbling. Last night was my first night sleeping there... It wasn't bad... I had a bit of an emotional breakdown because I missed my kitty a whole bunch all of a sudden... I'm gonna miss her cuddling with me on the couch and sleeping with me at night... =C Siiiigh... Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to take some pictures of the interior tonight and post them up. I don't have internet or cable there yet, which kinda sucks. But, that's what DVD players and video games are for! Hehe. Okay, done now. Bye!
(from top down: Lucy, Kitty Weskers, and Skipper)
cool. i hope it works out for you!