... are such idiots. They add in the Art Portal and what happens? The Art Forum gets a FLOOD of little nooblets going "SCOUT MI PWEEZE I R GEWD RTEEST!!" and "OMG MI ART ISNT SHOWN IN DAH PORTL WTF???" What is WRONG with these people?? Does no one know how to research stuff or read things anymore? Ugh!!
And now, the A.P. has been taken down temporarily for maintenance. What happens?? "OMG PANIC DAH ART PORTAL R GONE 4EVER!!", or "IM GONNA HAV TO RESUBMIT ALL MI ART CUZ DAH PORTL WERE TAKEN DOWN!!!" and so on and so forth... go to the General and Art Forums. You'll see what I'm talking about.
Seriously, people like these 'tards are what make me loose my faith in the intelligence of mankind... Was it like this when the Flash and Audio portals were first introduced? When will it END?? Argh!!!
Sorry... I just had to rant for a bit...
Here's an adorable picture to make everyone feel better...
Hello. I've never seen your before.
Hello! I've never seen you either. :)