Yeah... I is teh sadness right now. It seems my missing flash drive has probably been stolen. I asked two different teachers from two of my classes, and no one gave it to them. I asked the lost-and-found lady and she said no one had turned one in recently... So... that either means I somehow have it and it's buried in the farthest reaches of my room somewhere or someone took it with no intention of turning it in. Hence my sadness. I hate people.... I thought maybe a fellow college student would be mature enough, or nice enough to turn in some one else's flash drive, but I guess that's not the case. Siiigh... I guess it's not a huge deal, since I do have most of the stuff that was on the flash drive also saved on my laptop. But still... I wants it back... =,,,,C
Ouch, that has to suck.......... HOpe you didnt have anything important on it, Good luckl finding it, i know what its like (except when it happened to me someone took my laptop....... hopefully you wont find it destroyed... cus thats how i found my laptop :( )
ugh... now that really sucks. I would seriously cry for days if some one took my laptop and destroyed it. =(