So... my boyfriend crashed his car yesterday. We were driving along the road on our way to see Sweeney Todd, when he hit a huge patch of slush that came outta freakin' nowhere. The car spun 180 and hit a telephone pole.... wooooo... Needless to say, the rear end on the driver's side was completely smashed. We were both okay, aside from having the backs of our heads smack into the back of the seats. That didn't feel too pleasant. After a few minutes of standing around we both started to get really sore, though. =P On the bright side, we just went to a later showing of Sweeney Todd so I finally got to see it. XD It was really good. I liked it a lot. Ugh.... I am so sore today. My back is hurting and my neck feels really tight so I can barely lift my head. Sigh... car wrecks sure are fun... so tired... yah... I'm done...
What a :3 picture. I watched Sweeney Todd a few days ago, great movie, and I think it's the first unanimated musical Tim Burton's evermade ( the master genius behind all genius masterpiece musicals made ). Too bad about the car, does it work anymore though?
KittyKat87 (Updated )
It still runs, if that's what you mean. XD Actually, does Charlie and the Chocolate factory (or whatever it's called) count as a musical? The new one Mr. Tim Burton directed, I mean. If so, then Sweeny is technically his second. He's my favorite director.