Yup, just got home from another trip to King's Island. Hunter (aka Nessbeatsfox) and I went for our honeymoon. I never get tired of that place, I tell you what. We left on Friday and got to the park around 7:00pm. They were just starting the Halloween Haunt, which is really cool because there were fog machines everywhere, workers dressed up in costumes scaring the crap out of people, and all kinds of haunted houses and stuff around the park.
We wandered around for a few hours, going on rides and stuff and having a jolly 'ol time. Once we got tired, we went back to the hotel and.... played board games.
After breakfast on Saturday we went back to the park when it opened at 11 and spend the entire day going around and riding all the rides and playing claw machines (we won 16 stuffed animals in total from those XD) and all that good stuff.
The Halloween Haunt started again around 7 and we went through a couple haunted houses. There was one that was pirate themed, and Hunter made me lead since he hates haunted houses. Around one corner we came upon a woman dressed as a wench, and to quote her when she saw us: "Lettin' your woman lead? What's that say about your manhood, love?" It made me lol. :D
Anyway, after that we just went on a few more rides then called it a night. This morning we woke up, checked out of the hotel, and went home. 'Twas a very fun trip and I can't wait to go again someday. ^_^