HI EVERYBODY!!! My name is Kerri. I like to draw, write stories, and play on the internet. Yeah.

Kerri Lark @KittyKat87

Age 37, Female

Assassin for hire


Joined on 10/29/07

Exp Points:
1,970 / 2,180
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5.59 votes
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KittyKat87's News

Posted by KittyKat87 - January 19th, 2009

Dern rabbit dun hijacked mah computer!!!


Posted by KittyKat87 - November 10th, 2008

Well, it's finally happened. I've moved into my own apartment! Woo!! It's pretty freaking cool, I tell you what. It took about 4 days to get everything washed, sorted, packed, moved, unpacked, and partly put away. UGH.... One never does realize just how much crap can accumulate in a room after living in it for 12 years. Especially if you're a horrible pack-rat like me. =P I spent the entire weekend just doing my freaking laundry. That certainly was fun, considering our dryer sucks at doing it's job and I made the mistake of over-loading it in my haste to get the clothes done. So, it didn't work out well. But... yeah... I'm babbling. Last night was my first night sleeping there... It wasn't bad... I had a bit of an emotional breakdown because I missed my kitty a whole bunch all of a sudden... I'm gonna miss her cuddling with me on the couch and sleeping with me at night... =C Siiiigh... Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to take some pictures of the interior tonight and post them up. I don't have internet or cable there yet, which kinda sucks. But, that's what DVD players and video games are for! Hehe. Okay, done now. Bye!

(from top down: Lucy, Kitty Weskers, and Skipper)

Trying to Move On

Posted by KittyKat87 - October 5th, 2008

As all of you may or may not know, Hunter Gin, aka Nessbeatsfox, and I have been dating for over a year now. And HE PROPOSED TO ME TODAY!!!! <3333 I went with him and his family to a Pumpkin Patch and when we were looking for pumpkins he pulled me aside and held out the ring and asked me to marry him!!!! OMGS!!!! I was so surprised I started crying and hugged him as tightly as I could and I kissed him and a couple people passing by stared at us. Then his mom and grandma and brother and cousin and aunt came over and started teasing me (in a playful way) because I was crying so much. They were all happy and I was really happy and he even cried a little bit. It was a wonderful experience. I'm so happy... ^_______^

Just thought I'd share that with you, Newgrounds. ^_^


Posted by KittyKat87 - September 17th, 2008

I'm so bored. That news post was so old I decided to make a new one for no reason other than I was getting tired of it... It's been, crap, nearly 2 months. Bleh. Well, I guess I can say a lot has happened. I have a new job which is working out pretty well. I'm working for my dad at our new Inkjet Refill Express shop. Woot. Not the most exciting job ever, but it pays well and is, for the most part, not very stressful. Biggest problem is, the shop is an hour away from my current living place. Which is inconvenient to say the least, especially with gas prices as they are. I'm hoping to get an apartment a little closer soon. The one I have my eye on is also just about 5 minutes away from my boyfriend's house. Double WOOOT!!

At least I gots me lotsa $$$$$ saved up now. ^______^ Oh, and I'd like to mention my grandma is the most awesome grandma ever. She heard I was starting this new job and decided to send me a little something to "help me buy something I want", according to her card. She sent a check, and I glanced it before reading the card and saw a 5. So I'm like "Wow, fifty bucks, that's awesome." Then, I look at the check fully and nearly have a heart attack. Not just $50.... $500. Oh yes. My dear gramma sent me a $500 dollar check. I LOVES YOU GRAMMA!!! <3333 Needless to say, I was more than a little excited. ^_^

Anywayz... I've been thinking about starting a new art thread on here someday. Got a few new pictures to show off. The picture you see just to the left of this post is a preview of my latest W.I.P. Yeah... I love Harley. <3

Hmmm... dunno what else there is to report.

Life is boring...

I want Pocky...

that is all...

random nom nom...

Bow down before the one you serve...

Posted by KittyKat87 - July 18th, 2008

My boyfriend and I went to KING'S ISLAND!!! We spent a whole two days there! It was funtastical. ^_^ We went on Firehawk, Vortex, Flight of Fear, Face-Off, Drop Tower, Delirium, Beast, The Crypt, and all kinds of different rides. It was all kinds of fun. We went swimming in the water park, and went on slides and things and we went swimming in the hotel and had even more fun. Yeah... It was soooo hot. My leggies got burned. The back of my knee is SOOOO sore... my legs are just sore in general. Aahhhh.... so much fun, though. I love Kings Island. Best theme park evah. ^^ That is all.


Posted by KittyKat87 - June 18th, 2008

...and I'll DIE if I want to! XD Wooot... Well guess what, fellow Newgrounders! Today is my birthday!!! I'm officially old enough to buy booze!!! Huzzah!!! *ahem* I mean... not that I would... *shifty eye shifty eye*. Wooot, yeah, I'm all hyper and stuff. =D Kinda sucks that I have school tonight. Ugh... Oh well... Last day before the final tomorrow. WOOO!! I'm also kinda sad I don't get to do anything w/ my friends because they're always busy!!! Argh... But, I am going to Indiana Beach with my boyfriend this weekend. ^___^ It's gonna be fun. Huummm hummm hummmmm... Yah... That's about all. =D

Oh.. and on the subject of booze...

It's mah party...

Posted by KittyKat87 - May 23rd, 2008

Ahem... well... stuff and things... lotta stuff going on right now... lotta things not going too good... Life sucks... seems the only thing that makes me happy nowadays is spending time with my boyfriend. =( Sounds cheesy right? Too bad... it's true... my parents really pissed me off recently. It's a long story I don't want to get into. They act all friendly now, like nothing ever happened, of course. Ugh... parents... can't wait until I have my own apartment...

I'll cheer up someday, folks. Right now, life is the pits and I don't feel like being happy. Deal with it.

Ummm... yeah...

Posted by KittyKat87 - May 4th, 2008

...my parents were right about this job I took... I don't like it... (Read my previous news post if you want to learn more) My manager is (unintentionally) making me really stressed out, and I keep waking up with this horrible feeling in my stomach. I just can't get rid of it... It's like a feeling of dread and just... not wanting to do stuff. Once again, I'm feeling like crap, but it's because of this job. It's a combination of a lot of things, I guess. Biggest thing: stress. Like I said, my manager is telling me to do things I'm really just not comfortable doing, like calling everyone in my entire freaking neighborhood just to try and get appointments. I don't know about you guys, but calling about a hundred people I don't know at all just isn't very appealing to me. I HATE calling people I don't know. HATE it. Can't do it. Period. Him telling me to do that is just really really scaring me and making my stress skyrocket. Second thing is, with the economy where it is right now, I don't know if I'm going to be able to sell stuff. I haven't sold anything so far, and he keeps on telling me about all the other people who have sold all this stuff, so apparently I'm a failure who just isn't doing something right... Oi gawds.... I don't like this job.... I'm sick of it already after two appointments... Another thing that's bugging me, I guess is... how do I tell him I want to quit after just one weekend? He keeps telling me I could be great with this company, but I obviously can't... I'm not cut out for this... I haven't been feeling good at all these past few days... I just want to curl up in a ball and cry...

I don't think he understands, I can't just call up some random person I don't know and ask if I can show them stuff.... I simply cannot do it. He's all like "It's okay, we're allow to do it since we're an independent company" or whatever, and believe me, that's not the issue at all. I don't even like talking to people I don't know, let alone calling them and going to their house to show them knives. Would any of you be able to do that? I guess I'm the only person in the world who has trouble doing that, apparently. >_____< Ugh..uuurrrghhh... this sucks. I'm really starting to think working in a retail store would be A LOT better. Sure, the pay isn't as good, but so what? I can't keep stressing like this over a job... I'm regretting ever doing all this. Sorry to bring you down again, guys... I just needed to rant for a bit... I'm gonna go drown myself in the toilet... bye...


I'm starting to think...

Posted by KittyKat87 - May 1st, 2008

...sort of. =P I just had my last day of school today. It... wasn't exactly great. I had two finals, and I did terrible on both. I was completely exhausted by the end, but I had training for my new job. Yup, I finally managed to get a job. I'm a sales person for Cutco. They sell really awesome knives and stuff like that. Anyway... training was 6 hours.... ugh... it wasn't terrible, that that had to be the longest 6 hours ever... The only bad part, really, was we had to sit on those really uncomfortable metal fold-out chairs the whole time. Uuuuuuugh... my butt and back are so sore... and I have another 6 hours tomorrow and Saturday. Garg... So tired... Oh yeah... I have a summer class this year, too.... yippeee...

So, fun thing happed to me just yesterday. First of all, let me tell you, I was actually really excited about the fact that I'd finally gotten a job. I guess I don't love that I have to talk to people in their homes, and call them and such, but as long as I'm making a lot of money, which I probably will be, it doesn't matter that much. When I told my parents about it, far from being excited with me and being happy that I found a JOB, they just had to make me feel like crap because it's not the type of job they want me to have. They want me working in some freaking department store or some crap like that, making less than half of what I'm going to be making at this job. I really hate my parents sometimes. No matter what I do, it never seems to be good enough for them. They want me to get a job, they're disappointed I can't find one and think I'm not trying hard enough. I get a freaking job, they're disappointed I'm not working in a effing department store. ::mutters swear words:: So, needless to say, I wasn't feeling too great last night, even though my bf was ther with me... he helped me feel better, though. Siiiigh... Sorry to rant peoples. Parents just drive me crazy sometimes... I'm done now...

And of course... cute kitty picture comes to lighten the mood.

Schoooool's Out For SUMMAAAH!!

Posted by KittyKat87 - April 5th, 2008

So, my boyfriend and I have officially been going out for ONE WHOLE YEAR!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! It was a great year. Hit a few tiny bumps, like any relationship, but we got over them easily. This is the longest relationship I've ever had and I'm so happy with him. <33 Sorry to get mushy, but I can't help it. <33 ^_____________^ Siiiigh...


Anniversary! (Warning: Mushy Content)