HI EVERYBODY!!! My name is Kerri. I like to draw, write stories, and play on the internet. Yeah.

Kerri Lark @KittyKat87

Age 37, Female

Assassin for hire


Joined on 10/29/07

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1,970 / 2,180
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KittyKat87's News

Posted by KittyKat87 - March 17th, 2008

Siiigh, Spring Break is over and now I'm sitting her at school yet again. Had a mid-term this morning and probably didn't do very well. I have another exam tonight for Philosophy ><. Ugh... Spring Break was boring, but very relaxing and stuff. I slept in late and sat around a lot. I didn't get the stuff done that I wanted to and I'm angry at myself because of it =P. Blargh... I need to work on stuff. I have so much crap to finish, stories, pictures, projects, and junk like that. Oi vey....

Back again....

Posted by KittyKat87 - March 6th, 2008

So... my boyfriend crashed his car yesterday. We were driving along the road on our way to see Sweeney Todd, when he hit a huge patch of slush that came outta freakin' nowhere. The car spun 180 and hit a telephone pole.... wooooo... Needless to say, the rear end on the driver's side was completely smashed. We were both okay, aside from having the backs of our heads smack into the back of the seats. That didn't feel too pleasant. After a few minutes of standing around we both started to get really sore, though. =P On the bright side, we just went to a later showing of Sweeney Todd so I finally got to see it. XD It was really good. I liked it a lot. Ugh.... I am so sore today. My back is hurting and my neck feels really tight so I can barely lift my head. Sigh... car wrecks sure are fun... so tired... yah... I'm done...


Posted by KittyKat87 - February 29th, 2008

YAY!!! My boyfriend came back home today!! I was so happy I hugged him as hard as I could and kissed him a buncha times and we were just so happy to see each other!! We went on a walk in the snow and made-out a buncha times and then we went back to his house and hung out 'n stuff. ^_______^ Heeheee. Sorry to babble. I'm just really happy. ^^


Posted by KittyKat87 - February 17th, 2008

So... my boyfriend is going to Florida for a week and a half tomorrow... Siiiiigh.... I is the sadness. I'mma gonna be so lonely... He's gonna be all warm 'n stuff all day long and I'm gonna be freezing here in Indiana. I hate the weather here. One day it'll be fairly warm and sunny and clear, then at night it'll drop 20 degrees and start raining, then snowing all day. Stupid weather... =( I miss him already... Siiiiiigh...


Posted by KittyKat87 - February 5th, 2008

....eeyyyaaah. I was bored so I wanted to make a news post, but I don't know what to say. XD Life is boring and uneventful. UUuuuugh... some one give me something to do.... bleh... time for a kitty pic...


Posted by KittyKat87 - January 8th, 2008

Siiiigh... school's back in session. I have a really strange schedule this semester. Today I had a class at 11:00am-12:50pm, then a class a 7:00pm to 9:45. =P Tomorrow I have 3 classes back-to-back. Ho-hum. Oh well, I'll get used to it. Doot doot... what else do I want to say... Oh, my computer is all better now! I got her hard drive wiped and took her home and restored everything and now she works better than ever!! Heehee. I'm happy. 'Cept I can't figure out how to disable the touch pad on my mouse, which is kind of annoying. It's like my computer suddenly thinks I'm using a plug-in mouse rather than the built-in mouse =P. Strange... Oh well, I'm getting used to it. Dooooop dooop... Yah... Um... I think that's all for now. Sorry I'm boring. Here's a kitty picture.... ^^

That time again...

Posted by KittyKat87 - December 25th, 2007

Yes, I is teh sadness again right now. My poor laptop got sick and now she probably needs to have her entire hardrive wiped out. It all started one day when I was just playing on the internet like normal when all of a sudden, I gets a message from my Anti-virus program that a trojan of some kind has been detected. That is, 4 trojans. Also, a strange pop-up appeared. At first I'm just like, "Uh oh. Oh well, it happens." And I quarentine the folder and all that jazz 'n delete them all. Suddenly, I start getting POP-UPS out the wazoo. And, it just went down hill from there. I wanted to do a system restore, but no dates had been set for this month for some reason, and I couldn't go to November, either. My computer suddenly starts asking me for a Windows XP Professional CD so it can replace files, and I don't have that disk.... =,,,C I did numerous virus scans, and stopped a bunch of adware processes that had snuck onto my computer, but they just kept coming back and stuff just got worse. Everytime I thought it was gone, it would come right back. Today, my boyfriend tried to fix the problem, but we just couldn't do it right. We manually deleted a bunch of the bad files, but it still didn't fix the problem. So... we backed up all my files... and on Wednesday, I'm taking her in to be wiped clean... Siiiigh... Yeah... I've been kinda sad tonight. Viruses suck... =,,,,C Sorry that was so long... I just needed to talk...

Moar Sadness

Posted by KittyKat87 - December 13th, 2007

...omg school is done for the semester... It's so weird. In elementary and through high school, you knew it was the last day. It felt like the last day and all you wanted was for that day to be over. It doesn't really seem like that in college. I mean, I knew today was the last day, but it never felt like the last day. Know what I mean? Yeah... it's strange. Oh well. I'm glad to finally be on break. No more projects and finals to worry about for another few months. Siiiiigh... I love breaks. ^^ Well... I guess that's all for now. Buh bye, everyone.

It's over...

Posted by KittyKat87 - December 10th, 2007

Well, looks like it's almost the end of the school year. Yup, all I have left is finals. Calculus final tomorrow, CGT 211 final on Tuesday, then another CGT final on Thursday. And... yeah, I'm done. =P Oi, it's gonna feel good to be out of school. Then, of course, there's X-MAS!!! YAAAAAY!! Heeehee. I'm mostly looking forward to not going to school and hanging out with my boyfriend all the time. <3 Siiiiigh... yeah.... it's gonna be nice. Hrrrmmm... Uuuummm... Well, since I've got nothing else to say, I'll say this: I know some of you like to see my art 'n stuff, so here's my Sheezy page with what I consider to be my best work. That is all ^^


And, of course, cute kitty picture. <3

Almost done

Posted by KittyKat87 - December 4th, 2007

Well, I'm starting to feel better now. I'm still kinda stressed about my Photoshop project because of the ridiculous amount of requirements my professor has for turning in the stupid thing. We have to have a high-quality print on paper around 11 x 17, and she wants it to be glossy paper of some sort. Then, we have to mat and shrink-wrap it. Then, of course we have to have some black-and-white print outs on regular 8.5x11 paper, plus snap shots of progress and the entire thing saved on a disk. And probably a .jpg of it turned in on the computer. GRAAAH!!! OMG!!! Luckily, a friend of mine said that Staples prints out stuff and that we can shrink-wrap/mat the thing ourselves. So, I guess it'll work out okay. I'll get a few points docked off, but so be it. As long as I get credit for the frickin' thing and I get it turned in, I'm happy. At least this is the last really huge thing I have to worry about. We do have a Flash "project" of sorts to do, but it's not due until next week and it's not gonna be as ridiculously hard to turn in. Not by a long shot... Phew... okay... end of rant. Here's a cute kitty picture in honor of the cold weather. <333

Doot doot...