Yes, I is teh sadness again right now. My poor laptop got sick and now she probably needs to have her entire hardrive wiped out. It all started one day when I was just playing on the internet like normal when all of a sudden, I gets a message from my Anti-virus program that a trojan of some kind has been detected. That is, 4 trojans. Also, a strange pop-up appeared. At first I'm just like, "Uh oh. Oh well, it happens." And I quarentine the folder and all that jazz 'n delete them all. Suddenly, I start getting POP-UPS out the wazoo. And, it just went down hill from there. I wanted to do a system restore, but no dates had been set for this month for some reason, and I couldn't go to November, either. My computer suddenly starts asking me for a Windows XP Professional CD so it can replace files, and I don't have that disk.... =,,,C I did numerous virus scans, and stopped a bunch of adware processes that had snuck onto my computer, but they just kept coming back and stuff just got worse. Everytime I thought it was gone, it would come right back. Today, my boyfriend tried to fix the problem, but we just couldn't do it right. We manually deleted a bunch of the bad files, but it still didn't fix the problem. So... we backed up all my files... and on Wednesday, I'm taking her in to be wiped clean... Siiiigh... Yeah... I've been kinda sad tonight. Viruses suck... =,,,,C Sorry that was so long... I just needed to talk...